Yoga Classes

There are 4 levels of learning and practicing Lotus Yoga for kids. Children start at white lotus level and work through to reach the peak pink lotus level. These classes are suitable for the children of the age group of 6 to 11.


Our Classes

Complete Lotus Yoga Journey

White Lotus [Beginner level]

White lotus is a symbol of purity and innocence that our beautiful young beginners bring and start their journey of health and happiness. This level is designed for those who have no previous exposure to yoga, but are eager to learn and start experiencing the amazing benefits of a yoga practice. This level introduces many basic asanas as well as breathing exercises. Focus is on safety and alignment, and making the beginner more comfortable and familiar with common yoga postures. Meditation and relaxation is an integral part of our program and children experience it from the beginner level.

This level is covered in 2 terms where the second term continues with more basic asanas that are simpler to perform, it also covers more meditation and yoga games.

Blue Lotus [Intermediate level]

Blue lotus is a symbol of knowledge and wisdom. Children have been learning and practicing the basic asanas and breathing exercises and are creating a balance and alignment in their postures and breathing. Now children will experience new meditation techniques and breathing exercises.

Teacher will continue to demonstrate the postures that continue with basic and introduce new advanced postures. Asanas at this level demand more flexibility and soon children start to develop independence in performing many postures. They also experience improved stamina and relaxation levels.

Purple Lotus [Advanced level]

Purple lotus is known to be mystic and creative. Reaching this level, children have good understanding of the yoga postures, and have begun to explore a wider variety of poses and styles. The purple lotus student understands the relationship between breath and movement. Children can perform many postures independently and have started developing good understanding of meditation and relaxation exercises as well.

Continuing with the partner exercises, children develop great sense of teamwork. Asanas at this level push the stamina levels higher.

Pink Lotus [Expert level]

Pink lotus is sacred and considered supreme, fully blossomed lotus. Children at this level are well versed with the yoga postures and meditation techniques and learn advanced postures that demand higher flexibility and stamina levels. This level tests the stamina and children start to perform longer sequences of asanas independently. Achieving this level brings the children to highest point of the yoga journey with us. Healthy body has a healthy mind and pink lotus students continue to practice yoga independently and experience health and wellness benefits.

Grading is organised towards the end of the level; successful students move to the next level and receive certificate for the level completed.


$120 for 8 weeks classes



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Location and Timings

Quakers Hill – From Residence

School Term, Saturday